News & Events

NeoAmericanist Open Call for Papers

Added: February 10, 2014

NeoAmericanist, an online multi-disciplinary journal for the study of America, is issuing a CALL FOR PAPERS to interested Undergraduate and Graduate students. We are accepting any academic PAPERS as well as REVIEWS of books from Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level students on the topic of the United States of America.

NeoAmericanist's goal as a journal is to push the boundaries of scholarship and theory by blurring the lines of academic disciplines and popular culture by building an online community of students and professional scholars, and by supporting alternative methods for expression. We therefore invite students of history, theory and criticism, philosophy, political studies, economics, sociology, geography, first nations studies, anthropology, women's/gender studies, architecture and design, film studies, amongst others, to submit any original work pertaining to the study of America.

View our submission guidelines and requirements.

Please submit your articles for consideration via our online form.

Questions and inquiries may be directed to NeoAmericanist Executive Editors at 


Visit the website at

NeoAmericanist Issue 7.1 coming soon!!!

Added: February 10, 2014

NeoAmericanist Issue 7.1 coming soon!!!

NeoAmericanist CFP Issue 7.1

Added: June 17, 2013

NeoAmericanist, an online multi-disciplinary journal for the study of America, is issuing a CALL FOR PAPERS to interested Undergraduate and Graduate students. We are accepting any academic PAPERS as well as REVIEWS of books from Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level students on the topic of the United States of America.

NeoAmericanist's goal as a journal is to push the boundaries of scholarship and theory by blurring the lines of academic disciplines and popular culture by building an online community of students and professional scholars, and by supporting alternative methods for expression. We therefore invite students of history, theory and criticism, philosophy, political studies, economics, sociology, geography, first nations studies, anthropology, women's/gender studies, architecture and design, film studies, amongst others, to submit any original work pertaining to the study of America.

View our submission guidelines and requirements.

Please submit your articles for consideration via our online form.

Questions and inquiries may be directed to NeoAmericanist Executive Editors at 

The DEADLINE for submission is 15 August 2013.

Visit the website at

NeoAmericanist CFP for Issue 6.2 at U Penn CFP

Added: October 15, 2012

See the NeoAmericanist CFP for Issue 6.2 at U Penn CFP:

NeoAmericanist CFP Issue 6.2

Added: October 8, 2012

NeoAmericanist, an online multi-disciplinary journal for the study of America, is issuing a CALL FOR PAPERS to interested Undergraduate and Graduate students. We are accepting any PAPERS, PHOTOGRAPHY, ART WORK, or POETRY, as well as REVIEWS of music, architecture, movie, books and multimedia from Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level students on the topic of the United States of America.

NeoAmericanist's goal as a journal is to push the boundaries of scholarship and theory by blurring the lines of academic disciplines and popular culture by building an online community of students and professional scholars, and by supporting alternative methods for expression. We therefore invite students of history, theory and criticism, philosophy, political studies, economics, sociology, geography, first nations studies, anthropology, women's/gender studies, architecture and design, film studies, amongst others, to submit any original work pertaining to the study of America.

For more information on submission requirements or to submit works for consideration go to Questions and inquiries may be directed to NeoAmericanist Executive Editors at . The DEADLINE for submission is 15 December 2012. All submissions will be considered, regardless of the level of study.


Visit the website at

1940 Census

Added: February 22, 2012

2 April 2012

The 1940 census will be released digitally on April 2, 2012.

The digital images will be accessible free of charge at NARA facilities nationwide through our public access computers as well as on personal computers via the internet.

The 1940 and later censuses are not available for public use because of a statutory 72-year restriction on access for privacy reasons. (92 Stat. 915; Public Law 95-416; October 5, 1978). If you need information about yourself or a deceased person from the 1940 or later censuses, fill out Form BC-600 from the Bureau of the Census Age Search Service or write to:

U.S. Census Bureau,National Processing Center, 1201 East 10th St., Jeffersonville, IN 47132.

For images and links:

U Penn CFP for NeoAm Issue 6.1

Added: February 8, 2012

Boston Seminar in Immigration and Urban History

Added: January 31, 2012

15 March 2012

Boston, MA

Massachusetts Historical Society
Underwritten in part by Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Massachusetts

The Boston Seminar in Immigration and Urban History invites proposals for sessions in its 2012-2013 series.  Programs take place at the Massachusetts Historical Society, usually on the third or fourth Tuesday evening of the month between September and April.  The Seminar's steering committee welcomes suggestions for papers dealing with all aspects of American immigration and urban history and culture. Programs are not confined to Massachusetts topics, nor are they limited to the research of historians. Papers comparing the American experience with developments elsewhere in the world are welcome.

The audience for the seminar consists of regular participants and others drawn to a specific topic; the seminars are widely announced on H-Net and in M.H.S. publications.  Each session focuses on the discussion of a pre-circulated paper.  The essayist and an assigned commentator will each have an opportunity for remarks before the discussion is opened to the floor.  Papers must be available for circulation at least a month before the seminar date.

The seminar's steering committee would like to fill at least two sessions through this call for papers.  If you would like to be considered for a slot, please send your CV and a one-page précis of your paper by March 15 to Conrad E. Wright, Massachusetts Historical Society, 1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215, or to 

In your proposal, please indicate when your paper will be available for distribution.  If there are special scheduling conditions, such as a planned trip to Boston or an extended period when you cannot make a presentation, please indicate in your proposal.

Deadline: 15 March 2012

For more information on the Boston Seminar in Immigration and Urban History, please visit the series webpage at

Kate Viens
Research Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Society

Green Revolutions

Added: January 31, 2012

15-16 June 2012
St Andrews, Scotland

Green Revolutions: Fiftieth Anniversary of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring is connected to two (very modern) environmental revolutions. First, she drew attention to a radical change in American ecosystems, widespread chemical pollution. Second, she transformed limited and conservative traditions of conservation into modern environmentalism through a more inclusive and radical criticism of industrial society.

To commemorate the golden anniversary of Silent Spring’s publication, the University of St Andrews is convening a workshop to allow academics the opportunity to present their research on environmental issues. Postgraduates are especially encouraged to apply. Similar to Carson’s work, these ‘revolutions’ can be both radical changes in societal attitudes or physical environments. Although environmental history provides the backbone to this event, it is an inter-disciplinary approach and therefore scholars of ecological economics, sustainable development, geography, political science, and environmental studies are invited to present their research. Such a gathering will help direct historians towards subjects relevant to current policy debates, while more present-minded attendants will gain from a historical perspective. Moreover, this conference presents an opportunity to strengthen ties between environmental institutes in North America, the UK, and continental Europe.

‘Green Revolutions’ will be held in St Andrews, Scotland on June 15-16 2012. Presentations will be 20 minutes long followed by 10 minutes of questions. Participants will receive full boarding and accommodation in St Andrews. A small number of travel subsidies will be provided for overseas participants.

Those interested in presenting should send an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short CV as an attachment to Troy Vettese (

Deadline: 29 February 2012

The deadline for submission is February 29, 2012. Successful applicants will receive a response in early March.

History of Women in the Americas

Added: January 31, 2012

14 March 2012

London, England

The Society for the History of Women in the Americas (SHAW, formerly known as British Historians of Women in the Americas) will hold their fifth annual conference on Wednesday 14th March 2012 at Brunel University, west London. 

We welcome papers on any aspect of women’s and gender history in North America, South America and the Caribbean. Papers that investigate women’s lives from single or multiple vantage points whether topically or geographically are equally welcome. Scholars working on related topics are encouraged to put together a panel of two to four papers. Speakers at the event will have the opportunity to submit their paper for consideration in SHAW’s journal, History of Women in the Americas. 

A 250 word abstract should be submitted to SHAW’s secretary, Dr Rachel Ritchie (), by Tuesday 14th February 2012. Those interested in attending the conference as a delegate are more than welcome as well and should register their interest by this date too. All other enquiries about the conference, SHAW and History of Women in the Americas, should also be directed to Dr Ritchie. 

Deadline: 14 February 2012

The conference fee is payable upon confirmation of your paper being accepted (or upon confirmation of your place in the case of delegates not giving papers). This will be in mid- to late-February. For non-SHAW members, the conference fee is £55 (waged) and £35 (postgraduate/undergraduate/unwaged); this includes a year’s membership of the organisation. For SHAW members, the cost is £28 (waged) and £22 (postgraduate/undergraduate/unwaged).